Exams are the most annoying phase in any students life. Atleast for me.cramping with tight schedules that I ll never follow, and also extra curiicular activites like going online, chatting on fone etc., have to fit in the day adding to this getting tensed having cold hands, waking up early doing favours to your friends (explaining) and receiving favours(getting explained), having all the unnecessary talk in the worl at the most not appropriate time.I donno if it is funny but I bond more woth my mom during exams,I bond with people well during exams, people I never expect tot alk to I talk coz anything is better than the freaking books and god for saken exams.Then the morning starts with a silence Armageddon with the alarm and as it is common sense wins sometimes and I force my self to get up.The chilling wind forces u to suit up(ya I watch how I met your mother:D),and the u try to scrap in few minutes of sleep even though u know u cannot actually have the satisfaction of sleeping , it comforts me somehow.then nforcing dad to get ready quickly,hurrying to college for last minute revisions and thn running to exam hall as u genly are late and then finally faced with the devil itself the question paper awaits you on your table.A quick scan to see if u can pass the exam,once you are satisfied you start writing quickly coz very soon the pace is gonna die and sleep is gonna kick in. 3 hours would seem like forever until u reach last 30 mins which seem to whiling away as if its just 5 seconds.The walk of exit hehe is there....Then there will always be a gang of people who discuss the technical aspects of the paper, a group that will sulk about it, then there are people who start quickly coz of transportation problems,I hang around just long enough to know if everyones sucked or not and short enough not to sulk about it.waiting for the freaking bus is the most slow and troutous part of the day ,once u are in it u strt planning subconsciously for ur next exam or just go dumb.everything comes to standstill wen I reach home take my lunch into my room switch on my pc watch some decent serial or movie and close my door and shut all tht nonsense away. A decent nap and the cycle repeats again.
Funny thing is all this trouble can be avoided.exam could be plain and simple where I revise before exam write it come home and prepare for the next.Thats how it used to be until I entered 2004 and life took a head turn in past one year.well what can I say ,this is how growing up is gonna be,most straightforwards things are complicated like hell.When u re small and if u dint like someone u just say “KATIF” and thn make new frnds or shift to newer circle, but now saying that involves many other intricacies.donno whether that’s better or the former one.may be my next blog will be about that. For now I just wanted to log my exam preparation schedule online.
P.S:moral: don’t crap ur prepn like I do.hope I learn and thgn or 2.